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yoga Inspired hiking and backpacking excursions


Our Philosophy

In these busy modern times, unplugging is more important than ever. We need space to cultivate more ease in our minds, emotions, and overall spirit. Within the gorgeous 6 million acres of the Adirondack Park and surrounding areas, we are afforded this space.


By going into nature, we aim to bring the yoga practice back to its roots while building skills in mindful hiking. At Yoga Adirondacks, it is our goal to safely guide yoga inspired hiking and backpacking excursions to help make these experiences more accessible and positive, and to contribute to increased opportunities to reap the healing benefits of nature and be outdoors in harmony.

outdoor yoga, flow, restorative, pranayama, meditation, mantra, yoga nidra


Fueled by the crisp mountain air and enlivened by the natural setting, our outdoor practice will awaken and restore your senses. Yoga movements, breathing, and mindfulness exercises are intermittent throughout the excursion.

hiking in the adirondacks, camping, safety skills, leave no trace, earthing, mindfulness, high peaks, 46ers


Explore rolling trails and high summits while experiencing the wonders of nature. Learn skills in technical gear, food & water intake, water filtration, safety, leave no trace, earthing, and more. Overnights include additional instruction specific to camping. 

hiking and yoga, connection, grounding, stress reduction, mind body, harmony, wellness


Experiences in nature are believed to reduce negative thoughts and stress, and increase creative problem-solving, mental performance, and overall sense of being. In nature, we connect our bodies with our minds and elevate harmony with nature, our practice, and ourselves.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately . . . and see if I could not learn what it had to teach."
-Henry David Thoreau



Custom Trips & Private Retreats
Custom Trips & Private Retreats
Have us custom plan your dream excursion!


  • Private 2 Day Retreat
    Private 2 Day Retreat
    Sat, Oct 14
    Lake Placid
    Oct 14, 2023, 10:00 AM – Oct 15, 2023, 3:00 PM
    Lake Placid, Lake Placid, NY 12946, USA
    This custom retreat is closed. Contact us to create your own private custom trip.
  • Private High Peaks Day Trip
    Private High Peaks Day Trip
    Sat, Sep 23
    Lake Placid
    Sep 23, 2023, 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Lake Placid, 46 timber lane, Lake Placid, NY 12946, USA
    This custom excursion is closed. Contact us to create your own private custom trip.

"Well-being of mind is like a mountain lake without ripples. When the lake has no ripples, everything in the lake can be seen."

-pema chodron

Other offerings


"Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees."

-john muir


About yoga adirondacks

Mel Brust is the founder of Yoga Adirondacks. She is a NYS DEC Licensed Guide, 500 Hour Certified Yoga Instructor, an Adirondack 46er, is certified in Wilderness First Aid, and she has completed the ADK Winter Mountaineering School. Mel started camping as a young child and has been building her hiking and backpacking skills ever since. Her love of the Adirondacks began with her first high peak in 2001, which she did as a 2 night excursion with her hiking partner and future husband, Jesse. It was an exhilarating start to the remaining 45 high peaks, which they completed together on their ten year wedding anniversary in 2016.

​Mel relates to some of the earliest yoga texts written by rishis, or sages, who went to the forest to cultivate knowledge and find truth. In this sense, she finds that the connection between yoga and nature is apparent. In honoring the role that getting outdoors plays in her own life practice, Mel is inspired to present safe and responsible hiking practices for newcomers and avid yogis and hikers alike. Mel invites you to share in this experience, and make it one of your own.

Your guide will have at least 500 hour certification in yoga instruction, and experience teaching restorative, gentle, and strong flowing sequences to all levels, as well as breathing and meditation techniques and workshops.

guide Credentials

Your guide will have the minimum experience of NYS DEC Guide Licensure, decades of hiking, camping, and backpacking, including completion of the 46 Adirondack High Peaks, ADK Winter School, and certifications in CPR and First Aid.

Yoga Credentials


Albany, New York

Tel: 518-512-9806

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